Julia Kolchinsky came to the United States as a Jewish refugee when she was six years old, from Dnipro, Ukraine. She is the author of four collections of poetry, most recently PARALLAX (The University of Arkansas Press, 2025), selected as finalist for the Miller Williams Prize by Patricia Smith. Her other books include of
40 WEEKS (YesYes Books, 2023), Don’t Touch the Bones, and
The Many Names for Mother. Her next book, When the World Stopped Touching (YesYes Books, 2027), a collaborative collection with Luisa Muradyan.
You can find her poems in POETRY, American Poetry Review, and Ploughshares, among others. Her nonfiction has appeared in Brevity, Shenandoah,
The Account, and won Michigan Quarterly Review's Prize in Nonfiction. She is at work on a collection of poems as well as linked lyric essays about parenting her neurodiverse child and the end of her marriage under the shadow of the war in Ukraine.
She is Assistant Professor of English and Creative Writing at Denison University and lives in Columbus, OH with her family.